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5 Tips for Decorating Your Child’s Bedroom

Does your child’s room require a much-needed makeover? As they get older, they’ll likely be spending more and more of their time in their bedrooms, so it’s essential they have a space that’s both functional as well as comfortable. Their bedroom will become the place where they’ll go to in the early evenings for study sessions or inviting friends over, so it’s important they feel content with their bedroom décor. It’s also important that they feel their room is personalised to them. For example, you could use a custom neon sign in the shape of their name or their favourite animal. Create yours now here.

If you’re no interior design expert but are looking for some key ideas on how you can decorate your child’s bedroom, these top tips below should steer you in the right direction.

1. Wall decals

Kids just love fun designs, so why not decorate your kid’s bedroom with a variety of wall decals? This would be a great idea if you’re currently renting a property and are unable to paint the walls the colour of your choice. You could use decals to create a theme or add some interest to an otherwise bare wall. The main benefit of wall decals is that once your kid has grown out of them or wants to change their décor again, they can easily be removed without damaging the paintwork underneath. On the other hand, paintable fluted wall panels or similar ones in different types, made of wood can be used as an alternative method to protect the walls from the wear and tear. Additionally, their availability in various themes aligning with children can fill kids’ rooms with fun. They are often durable and add to the beauty of the room as well as are easy to clean.

2. Create a study space

As your child gets older, they’re going to need their own space to study and get their homework done. This doesn’t mean you need an extensive amount of room or extravagant furniture – a comfortable chair and solid desk are all that you need. You may also decide to purchase a bean bag for the corner of the room where they can lie down at the end of the day to relax or read a book.

3. Use blinds

While curtains may look more decorative in a bedroom, they’re not the most practical option for keeping out the natural light. Many children struggle to sleep at the best of times, but chunks of sunlight peeping through the windows at the crack of dawn will make the situation even more difficult. Be sure to invest in a blackout blind to block out the sunlight and keep the room dark and cosy, so your little one sleeps easy. Browse an extensive range of blackout blinds at

4. Use open shelves

You may be completely frustrated with the amount of mess you’re faced with in your child’s cluttered bedroom. One way to keep mess to a minimum would be to invest in open shelving. This makes the process of organisation much easier as toys, games and other belongings can be stored in separate baskets and placed on the shelves out of sight. This way, items can be grouped together, so they don’t get lost or start to obtrude the space.

5. Maximise the space

Your child’s bedroom may not be the largest in the home, so it would be wise to try and maximise the space they have. A few key ideas would be to cut down on bulky furniture and push objects towards the edges of the rooms, so they have enough space to play without obstruction.