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Working in cleanrooms – Vital facts that you need to know about the environment

When someone is engaged in a job for a pretty long time, lot of regular tasks become second nature. So, if you’re new to your job, your trainer might forget to tell you lost of simple things that they usually do on a daily basis. Whether it’s knowing when the microwave won’t be connected to the electric line or when the freshest coffee will be available from the coffee machine, every job has its own tips and tricks. If your new job is related to working in a cleanroom, you should know the rules in detail. We’re here to help you with the nitty-gritty details of working in a cleanroom.

What is a cleanroom?

If you don’t know what a cleanroom is, it is a room where airborne particles are kept to a minimum and the process used in maintaining this is totally artificial. Such rooms are usually used in the chip and semiconductor industry, in the food and pharmaceutical industry and even during the process of electronic device manufacturing. The particles in the air that may not be harmful to humans can still contaminate or cause damage to the above mentioned industries. Companies like provide modular cleanroom solutions and also give industries a nice cleanroom design.

Tips to follow while working in a cleanroom

  • Wearing accessories are a big No-No when you’re working in a cleanroom. You are not supposed to wear makeup, jewelry, cologne or perfume while entering a cleanroom. In fact the list even includes things that you may not even imagine like nailpolish, lip balm or lash extensions. You may think that nailpolish or lash extensions will never fall out, but they do! So, if you have to work in a cleanroom, you have to curb that extra treatment that you get from a salon.
  • Walk carefully and at a slow pace inside the cleanroom. When you move through the cleanroom, your body creates air currents that might stir the air and force the particles to move towards the top of the work area. The greater eddies are created with faster movements. Hence, you will be advised to walk slowly inside the cleanroom.
  • In case you drop something accidentally on the floor, leave it there. The space between the floor and the space 12 inches above it is usually considered the ‘dirty zone’. As the object that you drop reaches that zone, it gets ‘dirty’. If you reach out to pick that up with your gloves, your gloves too become dirty. There are pipettes inside a cleanroom that are used for experimentation. In case of pipette repair, you may check out this website.
  •  Above all, personal hygiene is extremely important as your body is probably the biggest contaminate in a cleanroom. They will advise you to shower regularly, use cleanroom lotions, wash your hair daily and take other hygiene steps. Exposed hair should be covered with bouffant caps and men with beard should wear beard covers.

So, these are just a few things that you need to keep in mind while working in a cleanroom. Just as you can take care of a baby through a baby monitor, you should also ensure taking care of your cleanroom when you work in it. Click here to get more detail